Weapon maiden
"The Weapon Maidens" is a combat-themed manga created by Japanese manga artist Itsuka Isaki, with adventure as its theme. It has concluded with a total of 27 chapters. Forged by humans, the swords serve and subdue under their masters, taking on human form, and are known as "weapon people." Two such weapon people, Livia and Guyfa, serve as each other's weapons and masters. Their job is to complete registration tasks for unregistered weapon people and determine if the people around them are suitable to become their masters. How will Livia and Guyfa find a way out for the lost weapon people who have lost their masters?
Plot Summary:
Forged by humans, the swords serve and subdue under their masters, taking on human form, and are known as "weapon people." Two such weapon people, Livia and Guyfa, serve as each other's weapons and masters. Their job is to complete registration tasks for unregistered weapon people and determine if the people around them are suitable to become their masters. How will Livia and Guyfa find a way out for the lost weapon people who have lost their masters?
Main Characters:
Race: Weapon-person
Gender: Female
Appearance: Silver long hair, fair skin, blue-purple eyes, short stature
Traits: 【Human】Appearances can be deceiving, tsundere loli, prone to violence (has once done very dangerous things)
Master: Guyfa【During combat】
Servant: Guyfa【During daily life】
Partner: Guyfa
Race: Weapon-person
Gender: Male
Appearance: Black short hair, slightly hunched, chocolate-colored skin, deep brown eyes, around 1.8m tall
Traits: Loyal dog【to Livia】, gentle and honest guy【during daily life】, sharp【during combat】
Master: Livia【During daily life】
Servant: Livia【During combat】
Partner: Livia